Since 1943, under various ownerships, and currently operated by West Newport Oil Company, this land has been a working oil field with as many as 480 wells and 40 miles of pipeline. That was then, this is now. We look forward to the day nature returns. At Newport Banning Ranch, we have agreements in place that will allow us to begin the environmental clean-up once the Coastal Commission grants project approval.

Nature is making a comeback. And we can’t wait. After all, we’ve missed the woodsy fragrance of her coastal sage scrub, her abundance of crystal-clear waters, and the happy, bouncy melody of her songbirds. Our plan will clean up the oil operations, remove invasive plant species, elevate the overall water quality and provide long-term maintenance of the site—all at the expense of the developer and not the taxpayer.
Once fully restored, Newport Banning Ranch will be a healthy, sustainable place for all, with more than 80% of its land forever protected as open space—including a 287-acre nature preserve under the stewardship of the Newport Banning Land Trust. We’ll soon be reacquainted with nature and the creatures that used to call this place home. We’re looking forward to seeing you again, burrowing owls, fairy shrimp and California gnatcatchers.